'Sanctus Strix' are a range of scarf designs
focusing upon Owls, which have been considered a bad omen and a symbol of death throughout art history, and intricate patterns inspired by religious Medieval art. The designs echo repeated themes of my project, such as dot work, gilding and halos.
When initially conceiving the designs, I decided that I wanted the designs to be connected to my elaborate repeat designs, however they are not intended to be worn together as the scarves are large, bold statement pieces.
The designs feature a Barn Owl, as ever expressing my long running obsession with Barn Owls, and a Long Eared Owl, which I find incredibly beautiful, yet sinister and menacing, which I felt was rather fitting due to the symbolism of the imagery.
Now the designs are complete, I intend to screen print them onto silk using a variety of techniques and processes.
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