As my work has been focusing on a lavish, ecclesiastical style of illustration since visiting the Louvre, It felt apt to continue this manner.
As within my design work I have focused on the opposing themes of 'Sin' and 'Virtue' or as I have termed it on this occasion; 'Summum Bonum' (supreme good) and 'Summum Malum' (supreme evil).
On either side are quotes from Virgil pondering on aspects of 'good' and 'evil'.
Placing 'Summum Malum' as the focal point (ie the cover) was an intentional decision, as evil is often far more focused on and predominant in the world than good.
The Amaryllis has been used as a symbol of Pride (and therefore categorically a sin) and the white Lily as a symbol of Purity and The Virgin Mary (in accordance with historical art symbolism). I also chose these flowers as they are consistent with my most recent design work.