As I am highly interested in nature, and my project is based around flora and fauna, I always attempt to keep abreast with current issues, news and changes in the natural world. On a small scale, I keep a watchful eye on my own garden, the birds which visit, and things I see on my daily commute. But I felt it appropriate to watch the programme 'Bees, Butterflies and Bloom' on BBC iPlayer. Initially I was concerned that the programme had over-simplified the issue of bee decline in the UK, as this is a complex situation with many factors, namely disease, however I persisted with the programme, as Einstein supposedly said; 'If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.', and insect decline is a worrying issue.
The programme did raise some interesting initiatives to encourage people to plant pollen rich plants (as we do in our garden), however the inclusion of even more wild flowers is an interesting idea which I'm keen to get involved with, so Ill certainly be visiting some local meadows and collecting a limited amount of seed in June to sew in the garden (I encourage you all to do this, but please be sensible about it, watch the programme and you'll be instructed on collecting seeds).
I think encouraging councils to sew pollen rich plants, wildflowers and perennials as opposed to ridiculously expensive bedding plants is a strong idea with the opportunity to have several positive outcomes. Perennials are far more cost effective and require far less maintenance, in times of financial difficulty such as these, planting wildflowers as opposed to bedding plants is a much more cost effective option. Obviously a lot of councils are far more concerned with adhering to a visual stereotype of a village/town/city, but I commend any council who takes the brave step of of practical planting over shameless squandering.
The programme did make me consider what I can do to raise awareness about the benefits of pollen rich planting and wildflowers (other t including them more in my own garden and encouraging others to do the same). By designing some prints featuring wildflowers and bee friendly plants, I hope to change many peoples perceptions of wildflowers as being 'weeds', or less beautiful or 'showy' than any other flower. British wildlife and nature is something I am very passionate about, we can all contribute to protecting different species of flora and fauna, so think about what you can do to make a difference, watch the programme if you have a spare hour, or visit the BBC site for more information.
(Above image, a bee on a nectar rich Scabiosa in my garden last summer)